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Liquid Thaumatin (Talin)

This is a very strong protein sweetener. The sweetening ingredient, thaumatin, is 2000-3000 sweeter than sugar.

from  4,49

  •  Extra strong
  •  Heat and acidic stable

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Liquid Thaumatin (Talin) protein sweetener 

This is a very strong protein sweetener. The sweetening ingredient, thaumatin, is 2000-3000 sweeter than sugar. It builds very slowly and lingers for a very long time without any bitter after-taste, for this reason, it is being used in chewing gum for instance. It has a rich liquorice-type aftertaste. Often used in conjunction with other sweeteners (like our ultra sweetener) for instant sweetness and to mask the aftertaste, if so desired.

Liquid Thaumatin will enhance the palatability of any bait to great effect. This liquid is stronger than any other kind of liquid Talin we have tried. We recommend this sweetener in savoury mixes.

Highly water-soluble, heat and acidic stable. Clear to white liquid.

Dosage direction per kg dry mix:

In carpbait / soak use around 0.5 – 1.5ml.
For use in winter time, we recommend 1 – 2 ml.


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